It turns out translating the letters ririririr in TikTok comments will turn into cryptic messages in English. A TikTok user pointed out that if you comment some variation of “riririri” on a post and then TRANSLATE that comment, some crazy things appear. AND I DID THIS LAST NIGHT. I’m not even joking, this really does happen.
Some translations people got were just repeat freaky statements like “It’s just a matter of time, It cries. It stands. It’s over, or ‘Suffering. Suffering. Suffering. Suffering.’
Some people theorized it could be a military code, but according to Google Translate the word “riririri” could be translated as Maori (an endangered language spoken by one of the indigenous tribes of New Zealand) which COULD have been one of the native languages of Zimbabwe or South Africa.
One internet sleuth says in Maori “riri” refers to “the expressions of anger, rage, fury, annoyance and the like.” It’s also possible a TikTok glitch would be producing the weird translation. What do you think? ~ Gillian